When administering two types of insulin at the same time, NPHand Regular, which do you draw up first? Why?
What are some priority nursing interventions for administration ofSynthroid?
Why is it important to assess a patient’s weight frequently if theyare taking thyroid replacement hormone?
Why is it important to “wean” a person from glucocorticoids?
What condition is associated with insufficient antidiuretichormone?
What are some administration guidelines for antidiuretichormone?
Which protocol does a nurse enforce when caring for a patientreceiving radioactive iodine?
-not allowing visitors to enter the room? reporting any urinespills in the room to the supervisor? Ensuring that there is norisk to the patient or nurse from the radioactive iodine? Reportingany tenderness over the thyroid to the physician?
Which adverse effect of the antithyroid agent proplythiouracil(PTU) is common and usually self-resolving?
– Bone marrow suppression? nephrotoxicity? Purpuric RashHepatoxicity?
What is a common adverse effect of glucocorticoids?
-Weight loss? Hypoglycemia? Appetite Supression? Delayed WoundHealing?
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