1. When we look at the data on population aging, how would youdescribe the change in the number of older adults (ages 65-84)compared to those over age 85, from 2000 to 2040?

    Both age groups are increasing in size at the same rate.

    The age group 65-84 is increasing at a faster rate than the age85+ group.

    The age group 85+ is shrinking compared to the age group65-84.

    The age group 85+ will increase at nearly twice the rate of the65-84 group.

0.5 points   


  1. From the AoA’s data on racial and ethnic diversity among olderadults by 2060, which group will: A = decrease as a percent of thetotal population, and which will: B = increase the most as apercent of the total?

    A = Hispanic and B = African-American

    A = African American and B = Asian

    A = White and B = Hispanic

    A = Asian and B = Hispanic

0.5 points   


  1. Looking at US data on Income Distribution for those over 65(from 1974 to 2018), which statement below best describes thechanges when we compare the “high income” group to the “poverty”group?

    The high-income group decreased, while poverty rates wentup.

    Both income groups decreased in size over time.

    The high-income increased while the poverty group decreased.

    The sizes of both groups increased over time.

0.5 points   


  1. Which answer below show the three most prevalent (or common)chronic health conditions among older adults, on average (not justfor male vs female)?

    Stroke, Asthma, Cancer

    Cancer, Hypertension, Arthritis

    COPD, Hypertension, Diabetes

    Hypertension, Heart Disease, Arthritis

0.5 points   

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