Question: Which of the following aspect of translation applies to eukaryotes
but not prokaryotes? a.)Transc…
Which of the following aspect of translation applies to eukaryotes
but not prokaryotes? a.)Transcription and translation without
exception occur in the same cellular space and at the same time.
b.)Their ribosomal subunits contain one less rRNA, fewer
polypeptides, and have lower molecular weights. c.)A pre-mRNA is
processed at each end and spliced to become a mature mRNA
transcript. d.)tRNAs and rRNAs undergo processing to achieve their
mature, functional form. e.)A single mRNA transcript may contain
several coding regions that encode different proteins. f.)An mRNA
molecule contains a unique sequence that lies upstream of the start
codon known as the Shine Dalgarno sequence, which serves as a
ribosome binding site.
but not prokaryotes? a.)Transcription and translation without
exception occur in the same cellular space and at the same time.
b.)Their ribosomal subunits contain one less rRNA, fewer
polypeptides, and have lower molecular weights. c.)A pre-mRNA is
processed at each end and spliced to become a mature mRNA
transcript. d.)tRNAs and rRNAs undergo processing to achieve their
mature, functional form. e.)A single mRNA transcript may contain
several coding regions that encode different proteins. f.)An mRNA
molecule contains a unique sequence that lies upstream of the start
codon known as the Shine Dalgarno sequence, which serves as a
ribosome binding site.
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