Which study is the experiment?
A researcher observes NYC Department of Health workersdistributing face masks from a table on a street corner. Theresearcher identifies people approaching the table as researchparticipants and observes the number of people within 3 meters ofthe participant who are wearing face masks. The research thenrecords whether the participant took a free mask or not. |
A researcher and her colleagues identify people walking down astreet in Queens as potential participants. To be a participant,the person needs to be alone. The participants soon come to a tablewith NYC Department of Health workers (these are actuallyresearchers playing the part of health workers) distributing facemasks. Based on the condition, 3 confederates standing around thetable will either take off or leave on their face masks. Theresearcher behind the table offers the participant a free facemask. |
Participants from the research pool report to the lab and takepart in an experiment to rate the social density in photos they areshown of populated public places. The photos differ in the numberof people per square meter. Participants are asked to rate theircomfort level if they actually were in the location depicted in thephoto. The photos also differ in the proportion of people who arewearing face masks. As the participant leaves the lab, theresearcher points to a table with 10 face masks individually sealedin plastic bags and say, “I got a lot of faces masks, take as manyas you like.” |
options b and c – both are experiments. |