Write a 1-2 page, APA formatted paper for the following scenarioand prompt(s):

Scenario: You are the supervisor of acritical care surgical unit. For the past several years, you havebeen experimenting with placing four newly graduated nursesdirectly into the unit, two from each spring and fall graduatingclass. These nurses are from the local BSN program. You consultclosely with the nursing faculty and their former employers beforemaking a selection.

Overall, this experiment has worked well. Only two newgraduates were unable to develop into critical care nurses. Both ofthese nurses later transferred back into the unit after 2 years ina less intensive medical–surgical area.

Because of the new graduates’ motivation and enthusiasm,they have complemented your experienced critical care staff nicely.You believe that your success with this program has been due toyour well-planned and structured 4-month orientation and educationprogram, careful selection, and appropriate shiftplacement.

This spring, you have narrowed the selection down to fouracceptable and well-qualified candidates. You plan to place one onthe 3 PM to 11 PM shift and one on the 11 PM to 7 AM shift. You sitin your office and review the culture of each shift and your noteson the four candidates. You have the followinginformation:

  • 3 pm to 11 pm shift: A very assertive,all-female staff; 85% RNs and 15% licensed practical nurses(LPNs)/licensed vocational nurses (LVNs). This is your mostclinically competent group. They are highly respected by everyone,and although the physicians often have confrontations with them,the physicians also tell you frequently how good they are. Thenurses are known as a group that lacks humor and does not welcomenewcomers. However, once the new employee earns their trust, theyare very supportive. They are intolerant of anyone not living up totheir exceptionally high standards. Your two unsuccessful newgraduate placements were assigned to this shift.
  • 11 pm to 7 am shift: A very cohesive andsupportive group. Although overall these nurses are competent, thisshift has some of your more clinically weak staff. However, it isalso the shift that rates the highest with families and patients.They are caring and compassionate. Every new graduate that you haveplaced on this shift has been successful. Of the nurses on thisshift, 30% are men. The group tends to be very close and has anumber of outside social activities.

Your four applicants consist of the following:

  • John: He has had a great deal of emergencydepartment (ED) experience as a medical emergency technician. Heappears somewhat aloof. His definite career goals are 2 years incritical care, 3 years in ED, and then flight crew. Instructorspraise his independent judgment but believe that he was somewhat ofa loner in school. Former employers have rated him as anindependent thinker and very capable.
  • Sally: She recently graduated at the top ofher class clinically and academically. She has not had much workexperience other than the last 2 years as a summer nursing internat a medical center where her performance appraisal was very good.Instructors believe that she lacks some maturity and interpersonalskills but praise her clinical judgment. She does not want to workin a regular medical–surgical unit. She believes that she can adaptto critical care.
  • Joan: She has had a great deal ofhealth-related work experience in counseling and has had limitedclinical work experience (only nursing school). Former employerspraise her attention to detail and her general competence.Instructors praise her interpersonal skills, maturity, andintelligence. She is quite willing to work elsewhere if notselected. She has a long-term commitment to nursing.
  • Mary: She was previously an LPN/LVN andreturned to school to get her degree. She did not do as wellacademically due to working and family commitments. Formeremployers and instructors speak of her energy, organization, andinterpersonal skills. She appears to have fewer independentdecision-making skills than the others do. She previously worked ina critical care unit.

Answer the following prompts:

  • Select the two new graduates and place them on the appropriateshift.
  • Support your decisions with rationale.
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