You are admitting a 19-year old female college student to thehospital for fevers. Using the patient information provided, choosea culture unfamiliar to you and describe what would be important toremember while you interview this patient. Discuss the health caresupport systems available in your community for someone of thisculture. If no support systems are available in your community,identify a national resource.

The world consists of different cultures of unique values andbeliefs. It creates challenges that make it difficult toaccommodate every patient’s needs based on their culture. It isessential for health care workers to understand the diverse cultureand be sensitive when treating them. This paper goes through nurseinteraction with a 19-year-old female Hindu student. Wheninterviewing a Hindu female, I would take into consideration thatHinduism accept pain and suffering as part of the consequences ofKarma. Also, believe that illness physical or mental hasbiological, physiological, spiritual elements. When assessing myclient, I will respect her belief and incorporate the treatment toaddress her culture. I will encourage doing meditation andrespecting her take on karma.

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