You are an Enrolled nurse working in primary health care. A newreferral to your clinic, Mr McFarlane, has recently been diagnosedwith Type 2 diabetes.

Character Briefs:

Mr George McFarlane. Male, aged 53 years.

  • Occupation – Long haul truck driver
  • Overweight – 135kg
  • Hypertension
  • Smoker
  • Diet preferences are Australian. Often has a poor diet when onthe road for work including ‘fatty food from truck stops’
  • Has osteoarthritis in (L) knee

Outline the information you will need to provide to Mr McFarlaneand his wife regarding the ongoing management of his diabetes.

Include in your answer:

  1. What specialist services and support organisations areavailable
  2. What information you would provide to Mr McFarlane and his wiferelating to his condition, risk factors, medications andself-management to avoid potential complications
  3. Education on lifestyle changes that may need to occur to ensureMr McFarlane’s diabetes remains stable and decrease the chances ofpotential complications.
  4. Education on the assessment and monitoring Mr McFarlane willneed to continue to ensure stabilisation of his diabetes
  5. What Mr McFarlane and/ or his wife should do if they suspectthere is a complication associated with his diabetes.

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