You are the health information officer at a large hospital. Youhave learned a significant information technology failure or breachhas occurred within your hospital. Using the Internet, identifyother health care organizations or health care providers that haverecently had a significant information technology failure orbreach. Write a report to your staff, notifying them of the failureor breach, how such failures or breaches have affected similarorganizations, and how those organizations resolved the issue.Instructions Write a 4–5 page report for your staff in which you:1. Outline four key factors contributing to the otherorganizations’ HIMS failures or breaches. 2. Analyze three ways theHIMS failures impacted the organizations’ operations and patientinformation protection, privacy, or personal safety. 3. Diagnosethe leadership teams’ reactions to the failures. Analyze whetherthe leadership teams took sufficient measures to address variousstakeholder groups impacted. Next, consider whether the otherorganizations had sufficient resources in place to prevent theseoccurrences. If not, identify where most of the failures occurred.4. Suggest three outcomes for the facility and state and explainwhether you agree with the overall verdict or violation. 5.Recommend at least three best practices your hospital can adopt toavoid such HIMS failures or breaches in the future. Provide supportfor these recommendations. 6. Explain one current governmentrequirement requiring all health care organizations to ensurehealth care and patient information is secure and informationbreaches and technology failures are minimized. 7. At a minimum,provide these headings within your report: summary statement,background information, and recommendations

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