Your college friend who is a psychology major is considering theketo diet and has questions about it. Specifically, your friendwants to know how the diet works and also wants to understand whythe CNN article he/she/they read seems to present a conflictingpoint of view relative to the mouse research article he/she/theyheard about on the radio. As someone with enough knowledge toanswer these questions, you are charged with helping your friend toreason through this problem by providing information andinterpretation based on your own understanding and analysis.
- Explain how issues of general interest to the publicincorporate molecular biology topics and translate your knowledgeto understanding those issues.
- Interpret the scientific research on a topic and relate it toyour understanding of molecular biology.
- Critically assess conflicting points of view on a topic fromeveryday life using knowledge of molecular biology to inform youranalysis.
- Communicate your scientific thoughts to others, supporting yourthoughts with scientific knowledge and evidence.
- Explain the differences between regular respiration and ketosisinduced by the keto diet. It may be helpful to make an outline,create a drawing, etc., to organize your thoughts. Focus oncomparing/contrasting and identifying specific points you’d need toaddress to explain these differences to a friend. Be sure toaddress why people lose weight on the keto diet.
- Choose a medium to explain these differences to your friend:You may choose whatever medium you’d like to convey thisinformation (you know your friend best!). You may write and recorda song, create a cartoon, make a video, write a poem, paint apicture, bake and decorate a cake, do an interpretivedance…whatever you choose, it must clearly explain how cellularrespiration works and how it is changed under the keto diet atthe molecular level and also at the physiological level.
- Decide which terms your friend is likely to need a definitionfor (consider what someone in college but not majoring in sciencewould need you to define) and decide how you will define those. Youmay not need to write everything out, but it may be helpful to makenotes as you develop your plan.
- Communicate your explanation using the medium of your choice;you will not be evaluated on quality of creative product, so focusinstead on the quality of the scientific understanding conveyed.Upload your product to the Canvas assignment box.
- Then, focus on helping your friend to understand how to resolvethe apparent conflict between the conclusions of the CNN newsarticle and the mouse research article. Decide on 3-5 major pointsyou’d like to make that will help your friend decide how tointerpret these two different perspectives. Make sure you useadditional information you learned about the keto diet to supportyour conclusion about how your friend should interpret thearticles.
- Write a 2-3 paragraph email to your friend that explains whythe two articles differ and how one might best interpret them tomake an informed decision about the keto diet. In the email, besure to tell your friend what information is not included in thearticles, and why he/she/they might need more information. Turn inthis email in the Canvas assignment box.
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