Your hospital is located near a railroad yard thatregularly transfers many chemical toxins. During your shift, thealarm sounds signifying a chemical agent emergency. As part of theemergency support team, your job is to respond to the EDimmediately. You learn that an explosion has occurred at the trainyard involving chlorine gas and that multiple traumas will bedirected to your facility.

What are the primary concerns for chlorine gas exposure?What preparations should be made in the ED for the incomingwounded?

The current PPE used in the ED is level D. How does achlorine gas exposure potential affect the level of PPE needed inthe ED?

You are told that the explosion of chlorine gas wascaused by a dirty bomb. How does this change the emergencypreparations?

With what you know from your training as an emergencysupport nurse, what do you think is the cause of the symptoms? Whattreatment would you expect?

The hospital calls for CHEMPACK containers to be shippedfrom a location nearby. What is CHEMPACK, and why is it called forin this situation?  

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